2020 was a landmark year, one of those that we eagerly look forward to in the past but upon arriving discover it was less than the ideal future. Now that the year has come and gone the collective focus of humanity will be on the promises of 2026, or 2049, or 2077, or any another number with significance.
Gnomon Level Design - Desert Level Screenshots
Screenshots don't paint a full picture when it comes to 3D levels, but I'd like to share some of the key vantage points from my desert level.
Here's the main gate that is blocked off. The player climbs the siege weaponry to reach the top of the wall, where...
Cyberpunk 2077
My approach was almost always to open with stealth, trying to hack, disable, and silently take down as many enemies as possible. Naturally, my execution would not be perfect! I'd get spotted, trigger a shootout, and have to use my pistol or rifles to clear the rest of the camp.

13 Years on Steam
I've been gaming on Steam since 2007, when Valve launched the Orange Box. My christmas present that year was a PC that could play it! That first Winter was filled with exploration in Half-Life 2, solving the mind bending puzzles of Portal, and gibbing in Team Fortress 2.
Today I'm almost up to the milestone 1000 games in library (given the Pareto distribution I've only played 20% of those). I've had many of my favourite gaming moments and great times playing with friends on Steam. It's really succeeded in making PC gaming the most accessible platform. A large storefront, community tools, a place to play with friends, and instant access to my games on my laptop or desktop, whichever was nearest to me.
Gnomon Level Design - Desert Project Mood Boards
Final Project for the Level Design course. For this we're learning from the Seattle area in The Last of Us 2. My stage is designed in a Persian fortress feel.
This is me for the rest of the month. Gaming it out to Final Fantasy XV and the rest of the PS Plus Collection.
Still In It
I thought 2020 would be the year that my play would get rusty, but I'm still IN IT!
Being the Hero
A Cat's Curiosity
Genshin Impact - Party 2
I pulled Sucrose, Xingqiu, and Keqing today in Genshin Impact. Was getting close to the 5-star pity, didn't want Klee, but felt a bit lucky so I went for it. I've got some awesome additions to my team now. Keqing is my first five star!
Losing Streaks and Winning Streaks
Sometimes you get stuck in a rut and perform poorly for a long while. Last week my 8-game lose streak in league of legends was difficult to get through.
But situations like these come in waves. Losing can put you in a poor mentality that is difficult to come back from.
The momentum can go both ways!
Once you get over that hump and change your mentality, you can find the start of a winning streak. That first win can give you the push for you to outperform your own expectations, and maintain it consistently afterwards.
Gnomon Level Design - Control The Contrast
I got great feedback about my level design colors today. Where it's easy to paint in a prototype game level with broad colors, it's also likely that you pick high contrasting colors while building it out. This helps the designer see more clearly the differentiation between object types.
But when controlling the color for the player, the high contrast and high saturation areas should be reserved to attract the player's attention. Less important areas of the game, such as much of the non interactable terrain, is better served with broad strokes of color that meld together and don't call for attention.
I tuned down the saturation across the board (for a second time), and tried to push back the reds in the rocks which were fighting with the greens in the trees.
Scheduling Breaks
Just as important to scheduling time to be productive is to schedule time to recharge. I think thanksgiving and the week after will be that time this year, near the end of November, for me to circle back and reflect. By then I'd have over a hundred posts in 2020, and a lot of things to just let my mind sit with. Just planning a bit ahead here!
The Quiet Nights
The quiet nights are those
like tonight without power yet
with candlelight
In the dancing shadows hide
glimpses and glows of
true sight
20GB a day
My home's current data network consumption rate is about 20GB per day. This is about half the 1.2 TB cap that comcast has on the line. It's a reasonable number, if we streamed more shows everyday, or produced lots of video content to upload or stream we'd probably get closer to the limit.
The 1080 recording setup that I have ends up using about 2GB of disk space per hour of recording. So, in terms of producing new content I'd have the bandwidth to do about 100 hours? That's including backing up the project files. Not bad!
Mistake Vectors
Mistake Vectors are the ways that opportunities to make mistakes present themselves. The more vectors, the more different ways a player can struggle. It's important that these are clear, so that when a player fails, they can see where to improve and have a clear plan of attack for their next attempt.
Gnomon Level Design - Trees
Marvel at my popsicle trees. It's fascinating what a bit of shape suggestion and color can do to our imaginations!
First time in First place
For this season of TFT, I hit my first winning game here with a team of Ninjas and Duelists. It's a game that rewards very sparingly but just getting that one in twenty(? maybe even rarer) win is memorable and a great moment.
Sixty years translates into 21900 days. A rather round number, but to fully count I'll have to include the 15 leap years and their extra days for 21915.
Cold Chamber - Rough Core Statement
I sat down to elaborate on the core statement of Cold Chamber.
A Tactical Terrain Based Shooter in the vein of Valkyria Chronicles with Magi-Temp weapons that consume local heat and generate frostbite.
Goodbye Oculus
Catmull, Chapter 13
-> Go All In On The Initiative
Catmull, Chapter 12
-> The Roadmap Will Restrict Your Thinking
Approach the future as a open opportunity to end up outside of your initial plans. The goal isn't to land where you set out to, but to find out where you want to go as you move. The pyramid that Catmull draws for the Head of HR, Ann Le Cam, shows that the problem space of a plan has to allow for zig-zagging and even landing outside of the triangle.
Catmull, Chapter 11
Lost in Sky
Life can sometimes feel like this. You just want to fly but are out of energy and stuck in the ground.
Gnomon Level Design - A Core Statement
Last week I started the Level Design course at Gnomon with Zachary Adams. Our first assignment will involve redesigning the Veldin level in Ratchet and Clank. I'm starting with my core statement:
Numeric Treadmill
A Cat's Desire
My cat desires to go outside every morning. She meows and meows to wake me up and pats the door to ask me to let her out. Some days she gets to chase the birds away. Some days she has a visiting cat over. And some days when the sun is out, shining bright and warm she sits in the grass to in deep contemplation. I wish I knew the stories of whatever escapades she's been through, and the ideas that spring forth in her cat's mind.
A Rough Take on F2P Time Value
The time value of some popular virtual rewards is set to about 50 hours for $50, or a dollar an hour (at best). Usually, the price would start near 50 cents. When the cost is this low, it's certainly easy to calculate out the time savings and justify a purchase over spending the time in game earning points to redeem the rewards. At this price, players have access to $480 a month with a bit of sleep.
A Retreat from Multiplayer
The Die is Cast!
Julius Caesar quoted: "iacta alea es" (the die is cast), upon crossing the Rubicon. There is a point at which you must take forward action and bear the consequences. The uncertainty falls away once you throw your choice of dice down onto the table and they begin to land.
Growing Seeds
I like the metaphor of the growing seeds. To grow a plant you must bury it and consistently water it until it is able to seek light. When it is below the surface, there is a lot of uncertainty as to whether this plant is going to take root. It's hidden from view.
Catmull, Chapter 10
There's so many ways to enable your team to think with the big picture.
- Dailies, or Solving Problems Together
- Research Trips
- The Power of Limits
- Integrating Technology and Art
- Short Experiments
- Learning to See
- Postmortems
- Continuing to Learn
Catmull, Chapter 9
-> The Curse of Limited Perception
We are limited by our means of perception. The curse is also on those who cannot see the truth and
Catmull, Chapter 8
Genshin Impact: Starter Roster
I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the characters I pulled with the early game rewards! Xiangling is great, since I really like staff combat. Fischl is an awesome support, even with the lackluster archery. And Noelle is just a well rounded swordswoman with a very effective shielding ability. Bennett is alright with a fun and fast weapon, but his explosion knocks everyone out of combat, including himself (am I using him incorrectly?).
The game has been pretty rewarding to play so far, and now that my roster has been filled out I'm excited to explore further. The only downside for me so far is the level requirement for unlocking multiplayer, as I think that is where I'll enjoy the game the most.
Hades: Credits
Actions and Choices
To The Past: The Games That Most Influenced Me
Meow In Verse's second article published! This time about my favourite games.
Antifragility came up in a couple of conversations this week. Both in the context of design, learning, and societal issues. As a concept it's a very strong tool to apply to any situation, to help us identify the factors that lead to growth. The degree of stress that a particular person or situation can withstand is certainly variable, and we must be wary to strike a blow that is not too soft nor too hard.
Time Scale
We perceive the world on a time scale that is uniquely human. Yet infinitely many time scales are a possibility. The plant that patiently spends day and night germinating eventually stands tall.
Dice Games
In an action or rpg game, the player has to manage combat on top of the other meta game progression systems. In a game of chance, the only thing we have to focus on are the dice and how they are cast. The abilities we gain can improve our lot if we sequence it right.
UBER's Forced Mobile UX
I used UBER today to try out a promotion. It was a challenging experience trying to use the service from my computer, and my patience was tested. Here are the steps, in case your account doesn't have a mobile number associated (mine did not):
-> Can't login to UBER Eats because my account doesn't have a phone number associated, so I cannot verify via SMS
-> Login using the regular website using Google Authentication
-> Switch back to Eats to become logged in by association to the regular UBER site.
-> Place an order
-> Cannot place order because I don't have a phone number associated with the account
-> Cannot add a phone number via the website
-> Download the Eats app
-> Cannot log in to the Eats app, because again, I have no way of verifying via mobile number
-> Download the UBER app, login with Google (again), and add a phone number
-> Switch back to desktop to try and complete my order. Error.
-> Login to Eats app and complete my order.
In the end, I really wasn't able to do anything from my computer.
A few quotes from the Library of Lenia
Great Gods! This game is good.