A fun way to cap off the year.
Anime Impulse OC 2022
We set up a booth in the Artist Alley at Anime Impulse OC this year, featuring a meowinverse t-shirt, stickers, and some anime/game prints. The Meowinverse website is under test launch here as well: meowinverse.com, with a Shopify service.
The Donut cat design is representative of a cat leaping through a hole connecting universes together. The hole carries a deeper purpose in the full perspective of the world, as a tunnel, path, and focusing point of an oculus. Without the donut, there would be no sweetness to life.
Of the prints my most popular were the ones of Miku and Orange Girl. The highlight of this year's trip was getting to meet Suzie Yeung! I loved the genshin cosplayers as well, was able to snap a few pics, but missed a memorable Hu Tao and Eula.
I've highlighted a few of my favourite booths below as well.

A new character addition for my game concept Cold Chamber. I'm revisiting some story ideas around magical industrial weaponry. Sicaella is here with a spike charge that's set-and-run. So hopefully the light uniform is suitable for moving fast. What would be cool next is to see her in full regalia!
I've also started using the G-Pen in CSP to ink this. Strangely the handling feels better than when I first tried years ago.
Caught up on JRPGs FFVIIR and P5
Minted an NFT It lives on the blockchain here: https://etherscan.io/token/0x06c9d75eefb8cbdbee25be27646b9270605a4b5e?a=1
And if you want to see the art you go here: