2020 was a landmark year, one of those that we eagerly look forward to in the past but upon arriving discover it was less than the ideal future. Now that the year has come and gone the collective focus of humanity will be on the promises of 2026, or 2049, or 2077, or any another number with significance.
Gnomon Level Design - Desert Level Screenshots
Screenshots don't paint a full picture when it comes to 3D levels, but I'd like to share some of the key vantage points from my desert level.
Here's the main gate that is blocked off. The player climbs the siege weaponry to reach the top of the wall, where...
Cyberpunk 2077
My approach was almost always to open with stealth, trying to hack, disable, and silently take down as many enemies as possible. Naturally, my execution would not be perfect! I'd get spotted, trigger a shootout, and have to use my pistol or rifles to clear the rest of the camp.

13 Years on Steam
I've been gaming on Steam since 2007, when Valve launched the Orange Box. My christmas present that year was a PC that could play it! That first Winter was filled with exploration in Half-Life 2, solving the mind bending puzzles of Portal, and gibbing in Team Fortress 2.
Today I'm almost up to the milestone 1000 games in library (given the Pareto distribution I've only played 20% of those). I've had many of my favourite gaming moments and great times playing with friends on Steam. It's really succeeded in making PC gaming the most accessible platform. A large storefront, community tools, a place to play with friends, and instant access to my games on my laptop or desktop, whichever was nearest to me.
Gnomon Level Design - Desert Project Mood Boards
Final Project for the Level Design course. For this we're learning from the Seattle area in The Last of Us 2. My stage is designed in a Persian fortress feel.