After missing out on the last Ludum Dare, I got to participate in this one! Still, didn't get to put the entire weekend into my project, but I got to try out using Game Maker Studio (ran into a lot of newbie problems), and put in about 12 hours in total. = (
I didn't realize until too late that it would cost me to build an HTML5 version of the game, so that ended up costing my wallet.
Sorry about the rough edges!
My goal this time around was to create another slightly meditative experience. Iaido has more action than my previous entry, Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop. My initial thought was to create a huge animation cooldown at the end of every attack, but I wasn't able to pull that off (the controls weren't rewarding and just felt like the game was holding you back).
I would like to revisit the game and build an exciting and rewarding combo system. It feels like with the right changes the game could have a rhythm and test your reaction skills.
The LD31 page for Iaido
Web version of the game