
Figures Week 4

Starting this one off with a demonstration by Justin Bua.

And then my stuff, which pales in comparison. I think it was ten 2's, some 5's, and wrapped up with three 10's. I'm still churning out a bunch of incomplete stuff, and i need to use my conte stick to sight more. I've just started a blog for my and my friends' left-hands, so watch out for it.
Edit: changed the name to something more appropriate.

Figures Week 3

I was sleepy through the first half of the day, and sleepwalked through the rest. Here's week three. I didn't realize that I liked my idea in the last one until half-way through it. And by then i had made so many irreparable mistakes.


私はUSCの一年生です。 専攻はインターアクテイ エンターテイメント です。 私はカリフォルニアのサンノセから来ました。

Figures Week 2

My second time around. I really tried to draw the form correctly this time, and that cost me time. Lots of incomplete gestures here.

Figures Week 1

My first live nude drawings.